Investigative Journalism Work
Included below is a variety of work I have produced with outlets such as The Democrat and Chronicle, Search Party, The Newshouse, and NCC News.

Chipped Away
This was a project in which I was the executive producer of all three elements (across digital and TV) for my investigative journalism class that was posted on NCC News. We focused on tackling the lead paint issue in Syracuse and its effects on underprivileged children.
Driving Force
In 2024, I joined USA Today in working on their 'Driving Force' project, where we investigated New York Police and how different departments take accountability when their officers act irresponsibly behind the wheel. I aided in data collection and organization, writing articles, and filing freedom of information requests. My articles are now posted in the Democrat and Chronicle, which has a paywall, but you can read them for free using the link below.

The Abuse of Media and Sport - World Cup 1978
This paper served as my history thesis which I used to investigate how Argentina's military junta used sport, media, and propaganda to try to legitimize their government both in Argentina and abroad.
Search Party
In 2024, I interned with Search Party, a media organization that investigates geopolitics and sports before presenting them in a way that is digestible to all viewers. I worked as an editor, fact-checker, copy editor, and asset manager / gatherer. I have attached some videos I contributed to.
Nuclear Weapons
I wrote this piece on statistics around nuclear proliferation in my data journalism class. I used it to study nuclear security and gauge the state of nuclear proliferation. Click on photo to download.
Other Investigative Work
Take a peek at other investigative projects I have worked on ranging from topics of crime, to lead paint, to others. More work to come soon!